2025 |
I was in an incredibly good mood today.
I'm finally starting to feel back to normal, before work I talked to some friends about upcoming plans for my comic since we're coming up on its first-year anniversary (and talking about my comics and original characters always makes me happy!), listened to some great music before work (Cardiacs, again), AND on my drive to work I saw a pair of diving ducks while stopped at a red light. Work was easy today too, and the weather was amazing.
Nothing can get me down now! (´・ω・`) Time to eat dinner and draw some more.
Took a sick day today!
I can already hear them saying it... "Angelina Mouse, sick again? What a surprise." (obvious sarcasm)
All of the rain lately has given me that seasick disease-y sneeze-y feeling. I like when it rains, but I also hate using my umbrella and end up getting soaked and sick from the exposure.
Indeed, I am afflicted within body and mind. I can't wait to get better, but in the meantime I'll listen to music and the pattering of raindrops against my window as I draw and pray for clarity! ^_^
Currently working on my most esoteric & personal project yet...
I hope that others can find enjoyment in it too, but since it's so niche I think I'm the only person who will see any real purpose in it (which is fine, honestly, everything I work on is highly esoteric and personal anyway LOL).
As such is the life of an artist I suppose.
Due to an outburst of perfectionism, the blog as we know it has been obliterated.
Please be patient here.