Our charmless deuteragonist and Hong's mentor & roommate (not by choice)

A neurotic and irritable individual who looks down upon society. Extremely intelligent, he has an almost encyclopediac knowledge of the occult and other esoteric subjects. Despite his great intellect, he occasionally has bouts of paranoia for seemingly unfounded reasons... He's second in self-loathing only to Conor Oberst, and can be depressive at times.

He was once a very powerful magician, but after sacrificing most of his magic in a dire time of need, the most he can do now is simple sleight-of-hand tricks. This is something he is deeply insecure about, and hopes to one day regain his powers.

He is notoriously standoffish and pretentious, making him difficult to be around. (His drinking and smoking habits are also.... quite unpleasant, to say the least.) He can, however, be rather charming when he wants to be. His worldview is incredibly strange and idiosyncratic, and he has a rather "offensive" sense of humor. Because of these traits, he has been a social pariah on many occasions. This does not bother him as he truly finds no joy in forming meaningful relationships with others.

  • AGE: 24ish
  • GENDER: Male (duh)
  • SKILLS: Healing magic (formerly), physical
                          strength, intellect
  • LIKES: Rifles, hunting knives, milsurp stores,
                        illuminated manuscripts, the works of
                        Aleister Crowley, cheap alcohol, making
                        potions, black cats, taxidermy, astronomy
  • DISLIKES: Large crowds, video games, romance,
                              cooking, reality TV, sweet foods

  • "I tried datura once. It was terrible. I had many nightmares about evil sexual encounters."

  • Despite antagonizing them and finding them incredibly annoying, he actually doesn't mind Hong's company. (Not really like he has a choice either way...) He genuinely does care about their wellbeing although he swears up and down it's only because he "has to".
  • He claims to hate anime, but secretly enjoys Neon Genesis Evangelion. He truly does, however, hate video games. He sees them as pointless and idiotic. He will only play them upon Hong's request, albeit very begrudgingly.
  • His favorite holiday is Halloween because October 31st is also his birthday. His least favorite holdiday is Christmas because he is a militant atheist and thinks religion is stupid.
  • His family moved to America from Belgium when he was very young. Due to his background, he is fluent in French and Dutch as well as English.



    Honestly, looking through the first drawings of him compared to what he looks like now, twink death hit this guy pretty hard. (This is a good thing.) I fear I don't draw him as often as I should... - Angelina

    "I have never made mistakes, except for that one time where I did. Don't tell anyone." - Anton

    Song is 'Assault on Sanctuary' by The Cult