Guide to Magic

In this comic, magic is a tool most people have access to.


Magic is an innate force that most sentient, intelligent beings* possess. Certain humans (such as druids, shamans, etc.) were once able to harness these powers, but after some time they remained lost. Eventually, however, it was discovered (after years of tedious and meticulous research) that most humans could access these powers. Thus leading to schools being required to teach magic, most careers requiring the use of magic, and so on.

There are different categorizations for different types of magic. Most magic users try to study and become proficient in all types of magic to become well-rounded. These people tend to go to magic school and become student mages. Once a student mage graduates magic school, they gain the title of ‘Witch’ or ‘Wizard’.

*A small number of humans (around 3% of the population), either do not possess magical abilities or are not attuned enough to access them. Magical powers can also fade away with age or be stripped away by curses.

Elemental Magic

This is a major category for the different aspects of magic. All aspiring mages must initially study each type of magic, and choose a primary type to focus on once they are finished with general studies. Although some people are born with an inclination to a certain element, most are not & have free will to choose their primary type of magic.

  • Fire Magic - A type of magic that mainly involves pyrokinesis & the creation of light†. Many advanced users have found that they have become nigh invulnerable to burn wounds as well as extreme temperatures after practicing this type of magic. It can be very dangerous when placed in the wrong hands as it is highly destructive, and it can have a difficult learning curve to new magic users. Because of this, many choose to learn this type of magic last. This type of magic is weak to water-based magic.

  • Water Magic - A type of magic that mainly involves hydrokinesis & dowsing abilities. Many users also have the ability to manipulate all fluid substances (not just water), as well as the ability to manipulate and summon ice & snow depending on weather conditions. More powerful users of water magic can also sometimes gain the ability to breathe underwater and purify water and other liquids. Users of this magic have a high advantage against fire-based magic.

  • Air Magic - A type of magic that mainly involves aerokinesis & wind divination‡. This magic is incredibly easy to learn, thus leading most students to choose to learn it first. Due to its ease of use, it does not take one long to be incredibly proficient in it. Many users are able to fly short distances, although flight itself is an ability that is highly regulated.§ Many powerful air magic users can obtain the ability to control cloud patterns. Users of this magic are disadvantaged against earth-based magic.

  • Earth Magic - A type of magic that mainly involves terrakinesis & dowsing abilities. Just like water magic, many users are able to find hidden items & water buried deep within the ground via dowsing. Many users of this type of magic are also skilled with handling plants/gardening. More powerful users can gain minor earth purification powers¶ as well as minor seismic manipulation. Users of this magic have an advantage against air-based magic.

  • †This is the type of magic that Hong uses. Since they are a phoenix, they were born with the ability to use fire and are more attuned with it than any other type of elemental magic. They are also capable of abilities that most normal fire magic users are unable to possess.

    ‡This ability allows users to predict storms by sensing air currents. Think of it this way; the wind has its own language and proficient air mages are able to understand it.

    §Users may not fly higher than 100 meters in populated zones. Flight is restricted in certain areas. Anyone caught intentionally disobeying these rules is subject to fines up to $490. Malicious/repeated disobedience & reckless behavior is subject to up to 6 months in county jail depending on circumstances.

    ¶Users with this ability can cleanse the ground of toxins within a small area. It is a rare ability, and in most cases is not very strong. Nonetheless, it is an extremely valuable skill and many governmental organizations in various countries have teams of earth purifiers that go around removing toxins, etc. from areas devastated by war in hopes the land will be habitable again.

    Classes of Magic

    After learning basic elemental magic, users must choose a speciality. This allows them to combine their previous knowledge into something new. These classes are not typically related to the elements# and anyone with some prior magic training can learn them regardless of what their ‘main element’ is, so to speak.

  • Defensive Magic - Typically related to healing oneself and others via regeneration, cures, etc.** Most healthcare professionals & childcare providers specialize in this class of magic, and in those types of institutions it is required for certain positions (like doctor, nurse, schoolteacher, etc.). It is commonly referred to as ‘healing magic’ in most places.††

  • Offensive Magic - Typically related to harming and/or damaging others via attacks, forming barriers, etc. Most military personnel specialize in this type of magic, although anyone can learn how to use it for self-defense. There are some types of forbidden offensive magic, such as curses & hexes.

  • Magic Skills

    Some magic users also have a speciality in a certain skill. Here are some common ones.

  • Potion-making - Self-explanatory. These potions can be used to harm or heal, or give the consumer an ability/effect.

  • Spell-casting - Seen as old-fashioned, many spell-casters write their spells in Latin. Mostly outdated, as most users are ‘tapped-in’ enough to be able to summon magic without reciting or chanting.‡‡

  • #Sometimes they can be, however. This is why it’s required for any student mage to practice all types of elemental magic.

    **Anton is very skilled with healing magic.

    ††In legal & educational/professional environments, the term ‘defensive magic’ is typically used.

    ‡‡This is because in the ‘older days’ of magic discovery, spells were often used to help people remember how to use magic. For most, magic is like muscle memory and they can summon magic just by thinking of it


    ‘Handedness’ refers to the two types of paths a magic user can take. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, although some choose a definitive ‘side’.

  • The Left-Hand Path - Refers to the type of magic used for “selfish” reasons. Magic that falls into this category is usually either highly illegal or frowned upon. Users devoted to this path usually do not adhere to societal or religious norms§§, and are seen as reckless in most cases. Any magic that involves changing the appearance/properties of oneself or others¶¶ falls into the ‘illegal left-hand path’ category of magic.

  • The Right-Hand Path - Refers to the type of magic used for “selfless” reasons. Users devoted to this path usually have a strong, unshakable moral compass, and use their magic not for themselves, but for others.## Many also use their magic for religious/spiritual purposes as well. Most healthcare workers & public service officials follow this path.***

  • §§Some devotees of this path practice magic that is Satanic or “demonic” in nature, however. This is not an inherently left-hand path thing.

    ¶¶Some examples of illegal magic are: Shapeshifting, Mind Control or Mind Reading, Blood Magic, Hexes/Curses, and Reality/Dream Manipulation. These are serious offenses and can warrant jail time. Magdalena has reality & dream manipulation abilities, which carry major consequences.

    ##Anton is a hardcore devotee of the left-hand path. Although his moral compass does not come from religious beliefs or guidance, he still has a strong sense of ‘right and wrong’ and cannot stand injustice.

    ***And most healing magic specialists in general, as well.