“So, Hong, how’s your arm?”

Anton’s query was quite simple, really. Hong had injured their arm about a year ago — He just wanted to know how the healing process was going.

Hong stared at their mentor, blankly. They were sat at the dining table in their dorm’s living room, the ticking of the wall clock behind them quite irritating.

“I asked how your arm was,” Anton continued, assuming his student did not hear him. “Like, how’s it healing up?”


“Still don’t want to talk about it, huh?” It’s been almost a year, why are they still so —

“No.” Hong’s voice wavered as they spoke. “I don’t.”

Anton sighed. “Hong, it’s almost been an entire year,” he said, continuing his previous thoughts. “Why are you still so guarded about it?” I feel like they should be over it by now. “Besides, I just want to know how it feels. Does it feel like it’s healing?”

“…I think so. It doesn’t hurt as much as it used to in the beginning.”

“That’s good.” Since it’s been almost a year, I feel like they should be able to fly again. But they keep complaining about how much it hurts to take their feathers out. I think I’m babying them too much. They need to toughen up; we’re already months behind on their training because of their injury. They’re gonna have to go back to normal eventually. “I think we’re going back to normal training soon. You should be healed up enough by now, hm? We’re already super behind because we had to take so much time out for your recovery.”

Hong simply shook their head and frowned. “But normal training involves stuff I can’t really do right now, like flying practice. I still can’t fly, Anton, it hurts too bad.”

Again with that? Jesus. “We’ll start by taking baby steps. We don’t have to jump right into it full-force.” Why am I bargaining with them? I’m their mentor, damnit, I’m supposed to be the one who’s in charge of all this stuff.

“…” Hong remained quiet, still frowning. They had a distant look in their glassy eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“N-Nothing. It’s fine.” Why do I still feel so upset? Anton’s right. It was over a year ago, I really should be over it by now, right? God, I’m such a crybaby. “I… think I’m gonna go to bed. My head hurts.” Hong was trying their very best not to burst into tears right then and there.

Shit, Anton thought to himself. I guess I should’ve been nicer about it. I shouldn’t have said anything at all. He sighed, frustrated. I need to find the right balance. I can’t be all ‘buddy-buddy’ with them, I’m in a position of authority and I’m expected to provide guidance… But, I can’t be too strict or else shit like this will happen. The man got up, walking to Hong’s bedroom. He knocked on the door; no response.

“Hey, I’m coming in,” he muttered, slowly turning the doorknob and allowing himself to enter his student’s room.

Hong was sitting on their bed, looking just downright dejected. Poor thing.

“Anton, I… I’m sorry. I’m kind of a wreck right now,” the sparrowhawk mumbled, averting their gaze.

“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for being an asshole to you earlier.” Anton sat down on the bed next to Hong. I fucking suck at apologies.

“It’s fine.” I don’t understand why he’s apologizing to me. Is he drunk? Usually he’s not this nice to me, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him apologize for anything while he’s sober. Hong wiped the silent tears they were crying from their puffy eyes. “Are you drunk?”

“What? No.”

“You just… You act all nice to me when you get drunk, that’s all. I have my reasons to be suspicious,” Hong laughed weakly.

“Hm? I’m apologizing because I’m genuinely sorry,” Anton muttered, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He scooted closer to his student; their hands brushing against each other just slightly for a brief moment in time.

He doesn’t seem drunk, Hong thought, blushing at their closeness. Even though he’s a massive jerk, I know he means well. And he did have a point, I guess, although he definitely could’ve worded it better. Honestly, no matter how upset I get, I can't stay mad at him for long. I dunno what it is about him. He just makes me feel happy. “I’ll accept your apology. For now.” Hong’s mood had finally begun to clear up. Anton’s simple apology really was all that was needed. He really does care about me, even if he doesn't always show it all the time. Even if he's not good at expressing his feelings.

“How are you feeling? Like, mentally, I mean. Are you still sad?”

Hong rolled their eyes, grinning. “You are so bad with this kind of stuff. I guess I really shouldn’t’ve expected much else from the shitty wizard himself!”

“Can you stop calling me that? You’re so short that I have to crouch to be at eye level with you.” Anton yawned, leaning into Hong. “Damn, I’m tired.”

“I’ll stop calling you that the second you stop insulting my height. I’m five feet and six inches tall, which is a perfectly respectable height. You’re just freakishly tall.”

“Whatever. You’re warm. That feels nice. Since you’re a phoenix, you’re always at a pretty high temperature.”

“Ugh, go to bed you moron,” Hong replied, pushing their mentor away playfully. “You’re so sleepy you can’t even come up with a proper comeback.” And I’m tired, too. Something tells me there’s a long road ahead for the both of us – Training wise, at least. It’s not gonna be easy, especially if I freak out again like I did tonight… but, like Anton said, we’ll take baby steps. One day at a time.
