Well well well... where do we even BEGIN here!!! I don't think that mere words could do a description of yours truly any justice, but here we are.
You may or may not know this, but there's already a biography-type page written up about me elsewhere, and reading it I found it to be only soemwhat accurate. So I will write this page up to clear away any misconceptions!!
So the basics about me, well, I'm a 19 year-old mage-in-training under the guidance of the ~ * Great Wizard Anton Giles * ~ (He told me I had to put this or else I'm not allowed to use his computer anymore^^) I am a phoenix and can cast fire magic better than anyone else ever! And I can also fly although I'm not doing too much of that lately because I'm like kinda recovering from an injury at the moment. But it's fine it's fine Don't worry about me ^_^
I really really like things that are awesome and cool like anime and manga, dinosaurs, music, playing video games, bright colors, rollerblading at the roller rink, going to the arcade, etc, etc because I'm epic like that and I actually go outside and touch grass UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE :< *rolls eyes* hahaha anyway I also like cooking and baking I like making desserts a lot even if I'm usually the only one who ends up eating them. Another thing I quite like a lot are INSECTS Especially beetles they taste good and crunchy but don't tell anyonethat I'm eating them 'kay??
Yes, this really happened TURN ON YOUR TELEVISION!!!
This also deserves its own section but I really like The Anime Duckman it's so awesome I wish that Duckman was real I would date him and do other things with him I could treat him better than his stupid dead wife ever did. But I think I've said too much!!!!!!!!!!! *pulls out that memory eraser thing from Men in Black and uses it on you*
I could go on talking about myself all day because I'm a very interesting person. But for the sake of boring you I'll keep it brief past this point. I personally consider myself a very fashionable person and I like wearing all kinds of outfits. I hate wearing uniforms and think they're oh so very STUPID. Especially the one I wear for school it's so ugly and weird as hell like who thought green and red looked cool togehter?!?! It has a bunch of pockets though which is neat because I can keep a lot ofstuff in them like my Gameboy and snacks for if I get hungry. And also at least the boots are cute they make a "click click click" noise when I walk places and it makes me sound FIERCE. *smiles cutely*
Okayyyy thanks for reading bye bye now ~