This is a page for both art OF me and art I have drawn of other subjects & myself. Please enjoy if you are a hater the door is THAT A WAYS!!!!! BYE LOSER ~

Art by Milk
WELL! Isn't this image like totemo kawaii? I think it makes me look very fiendish which is true to my form.

Art by Anton
This is one of Anton's drawings of me. I think it looks alright but it could be cuter. I think he should have drawn me as an anime girl but oh well ya can't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Art by ME!!!! DO NOT STEAL IT!!!!!
This is my really ultra kawaii cute anime drawing self portrait. I want to be anime so very badly TTwTT

Art by ME again!!!! DO NOT STEAL IT!!!!!
This is another self portrait of myself but this time I am a cartoon. It was 3 AM and I was listening to Cardiacs and writingn Duckman x Reader fanfiction and got inspired by Klasky-Csupo drawings from the Television Anime Rugrats. There is a very esoteric meaning to this piece that the likes of YOU will never EVER be privy to (imagine I said this in Anton's voice)

Art by ME yet again!!!! DO NOT STEAL IT!!!!!
Okay and last but not least here is a draiwng of Anton he said I should probably put this here "or else". What the FUCK do you mean "or else"? OH MY GOODODD He pisses me off so badly sometimes but it's okay since we're buddies and chums and all that ^_^