I'm not entirely sure what to say here. The 'about' page that was written for me is accurate enough. (Although the writeup does seem rather insulting, most of it is true and I cannot lie about that.)
I suppose I'll start off by saying that I'm a wizard specializing in healing magic. I am multidisciplinary, but yes, my main focus is healing magic. In this world, the loss of one's magic powers is seen as an impediment - this is something I struggle with. It's no secret that my powers are nowhere near what they once were. I have not yet given up hope; I am researching methods of recovery.
As far as other things such as hobbies and interests go, I enjoy wine & other spirits, making potions & tinctures, post-punk & emotional hardcore music (these are the CORRECT names for them. It makes me irrationally upset when the uninformed call them "goth" and "emo"), smoking (we all have our vices....), riflery, combat boots (I buy nearly all of my clothing at the local MilSurp).... and that's really it. I'm not the most interesting man in the world and am rather set in my ways. Suffice to say, I know what I like.
Some things I have no interest in include women & their romances, pop culture & the chokehold its wide-reaching arms have on modern society... well, actually, society as a whole. I prefer my solitude. People are selfish, crude, and scheming. I've made many enemies and have no desire to make any more.
Anyways, as of late, I have been assisting my protégé, Hong, with their magic training. Without being too defamatory, they still have much to learn. However, they are earnest and their mind is still malleable to my ideas, so I'm certain once they mature some they'll blow everyone else here out of the water. They have powers beyond belief that are unlike any I've seen before, but they lack tact and discipline. But I digress, that is all I have to say on the subject.
If I think of anything else, I'll add it here. I hate talking about myself, but when I die, how else will people know of my greatness?