Here are some poems I have written. I don't care if you don't like them, I write them for myself only.

There’s nothing today, it will never be here.
You left, you were angry, it was beyond my control.
I knew you were gone so I got up, dragged my dignity back with my teeth and
I severed the festering memories you’d left rotting within me.
First, I tried cutting them out with suture scissors, and when that didn’t work
I gouged them out with my hunting knife, I was left licking my wounds.
Going to all those places I’ve been before didn’t help, it never did.
Everything seemed so familiar, but I knew it had changed,
because there was nothing yesterday, it was never there.
Bile-soaked, tear-stained, all of it had changed.
Fifty-thousand Trojans in glory, the bloody screaming masses,
my mind, a battlefield with slaughter never-ending.
There will be nothing tomorrow, not now, not ever,
because there was nothing yesterday, it was never there.