This is a page dedicated to the various sketches I have made. Although drawing is entertaining I do not consider myself an artist. I actually find aimlessly doodling incredibly pointless, and really only do so when I have nothing else to do. I do not find the mere essence of "art" pointless in and of itself, but sketching portraits once every blue moon does not make me an artist.
Also, my methods of drawing are non-traditional, as I tend to use a black canvas with white lineart. This is because looking at black upon white (as opposed to white upon black) hurts my sensitive eyes and gives me a headache. Spending most of my time in the dark has weakened my vision significantly.
Visage of petit Tachyspiza soloensis
This is a small portrait of my student, Hong. Their hair is incredibly tangled, thus making it complex to draw. They are a terrible subject as they are perpetually in motion and can't sit still for longer than 5 minutes it seems... This was partially drawn from memory & my recollections of their appearance for this reason.
Portrait of Robert Smith
A quick sketch of Robert Smith I made recently. The shading was a bit experimental, but overall I think it turned out fine.